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2014: Word of the Year

I think I'm finally ready to address 2014. The holidays were so good to us despite getting the flu. Christmas was filled with love and family and I couldn't ask for more than that. The boys and I have been enjoying lots of downtime but I think I'm ready for a routine again. Our family functions best when there's some order in our lives, even if it is laden with school and schedules and work.

I also love the start of a new year but here's the thing...I don't really like resolutions. So often they're filled with guilt and negativity about what we failed to accomplish in any given previous year. We're so hard on ourselves to produce, accomplish and live life at a ghastly pace. I'm very much a live in the present type of gal so for me to resolve to do any one thing for an entire year is frankly very overwhelming.

However, a group of bloggers suggested to choose a word to focus on for 2014 which I kinda like. In fact, back in November, our family focused on practicing the fruit of the spirit "Gentleness" for the entire month and the result was astonishing. We were not as quick to raise our voices at each other, we spoke a little kinder and we even tried to minimize rough housing as much as possible between the boys. The daily reminder to be gentle with myself was also surprisingly comforting. Every time I began to beat myself up for one thing or another, I reminded myself to be gentle in my thoughts towards myself. Again, why are we so hard on ourselves when we stumble?

So, in the spirit of starting a new year, I've thought long and hard about a word I could possibly focus on for an entire year. A word that would comfort me and remind me that life is a journey and things do not happen overnight. That life is about growth and not results. After much consideration, I'm claiming "NURTURE" as my word for 2014.

  1. 1.
    care for and encourage the growth or development of.

Here's how I plan to put it into action....

NURTURE family: Making time for family conversations, exploring dreams with my husband and molding the character and curiosities of our young boys. To really focus on making our home a haven and shelter from the outside world.

NURTURE spirit: More quiet time to explore and nurture my spirit via prayer, meditation and service within the church. To quietly and patiently listen for God's plan instead of blindly forcing my own.

NURTURE others: To always be compassionate, encouraging others, lending a listening ear and a helping hand in life's busiest moments.

NURTURE body: To be present and listen to the needs of my body whether it is more exercise, less food or more sleep.

NURTURE creativity: To fully use my gifts and talents and enjoy the process instead of rushing to an end result. To be proactive in my thoughts and dreams and ideas. To allow the joys of each day inspire me. To work with good people and produce with a purpose.

How about you? Do you have a resolution, a mantra, a word that will carry you through 2014? Feel free to share yours too! Also, follow me and other bloggers along this year on Instagram via the hashtag #making2014count and I'll personally be using the hashtag #yspnurtures to keep track of my own small successes to nurture, grow and develop in 2014.


  1. love this word! cheers to you and your sweet family. glad y'all are on the mend! XO

  2. Wow! I was convicted, but in a good way. Gentleness is a fruit I need to practice with my little one. I need God's grace daily. Happy new year!

    1. LPM,

      Thank you for the kind comment. I'm humbled that it touched so close to home for you. We must share a lot of the same challenges raising our little one :) Wishing you lots of gentleness this year and always.

  3. Love this idea, Amy!! Are you by chance doing Ali Edwards' "One Little Word" workshop? It is something I had considered doing this year. I feel like I would really enjoy/benefit from doing it...I just need to find the time.

    1. Hi Meg...I've never heard of Ali Edwards but I'm going to look it up right now. Sounds like it might work well with my 2014 mantra :)

  4. I love this! Great word that encompasses so much. Wishing you a healthy and happy year!

    1. Thank you Carol!! You too and look forward to following you on more adventures this year :)

  5. This is such a great post!!! I wish you the best 2014.
