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Fun and Fabulous Words for the new Year!

fun and fabulous words

A new year, a new you!  Okay, maybe we're all the same person with just a little more pep in our step.  Nevertheless, it's always good to put your best foot forward when starting a new year so I've put together this list of 50 fun and fabulous words to use in 2013.  They just make you feel good and that's what this blog is about.  A special thanks to my radiant friend, Roxy Owens, for the word "swimmingly."  It adds a lot of zing to an ordinary email.  Smooches to you all!


  1. Such a cute post idea! I'll try to use sassafras and dilly-dally as soon as possible!

    Luci’s Morsels – fashion. food. frivolity.

  2. I love this! I've noticed I use the same adjectives and superlatives in my blogposts all.the.time.

    I better print this one out for my desk and make this a resolution too!

  3. Lovely! I'm going to try and speak and live them all!
    Mary x

  4. Such a cute post! I will definitely have to use a few of these words. xx

  5. I love this. I will have to put several of those into play this year.

  6. So I plan to use each and every word on this list in my next 50 posts. They're fantastic!
