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Resolution: A course of action determined or decided on.

Ughhhh.... just the sound of it is so rigid and harsh.  It's so resolute.  Goals yes....Resolutions no.

I've never been a huge fan of resolutions because as much as I love my daily life to have routine, order and some sense of agenda, I prefer my life in general to be lived with more of an intuitive mindset.  Resolutions are so contradictory to living in the present and doing what I FEEL is right for me in the moment.

So, here's what I'm doing for 2011. Instead of making some crazy resolution that I will most likely break by Valentines Day, I'm going to focus on doing more of the things that make me happy.

More of these in 2011 please.....

 Tea  (in pretty cups!)

 The color Honeysuckle - Image via The Sartorialist

via on Pinterest

Family Time
via on Pinterest

What are your thoughts on resolutions?  Do you make them?  Is there anything in particular that you want to make more time for in 2011?


  1. i couldn't agree more! i like your "goals" for 2011. happy new year! xo

  2. I use goals too. I hate resolutions.

    Happy New Year!
