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Spa Day

Hi there! Are you as tired as I am?  We had a busy weekend and spent much of Sunday celebrating my wonderful husband.  I hope all of you enjoyed spending time with the special guys in your life too!

Speaking of wonderful, my husband surprised me last week by informing me I would be spending half a day at the spa on Saturday.  I felt a bit guilty indulging myself on a weekend that was supposed to celebrate him, but he insisted.  Really, he did!  See the note I woke up to on Thursday morning?

Apparently, I've been dropping hints the last few weeks about wanting to escape to my favorite local spa and while I honestly have no recollection of making such comments (out loud), I cannot deny having thoughts like the following:

"I'm gonna leave you guys here in your mayhem and foolishness while I go relax at the spa."


"For the 100th time, I know you really, really want that Lego set from Target! Mommy wants a lot of things too, like a day at the spa, but you don't see me there everyday, do you?"

You get the picture, right?  Well, after my much needed visit, I returned refreshed and renewed.  Do you ever notice how difficult it is to  really    s  l   o   w     d  o  w  n  ?  It's harder than it seems.  Quieting your mind, being present and truly relaxing you mind, body and spirit.  

I took some mental notes during my little getaway and left the spa dreaming of ways to create a more serene environment at home.   I plan to add some things like this and this (smells SO good) and definitely one of these.

How about you?  Do you have any special things that help bring some Zen into your home?  I'd love to hear your ideas!


  1. Mrs Meyers Multi-Surface Claening Spray...

  2. That was so nice of your hubby! A clean house in general is a zen environment for me. Made-up beds, vacuumed floors, clean kitchen- if all that is done, then Im happy. If only I had a maid... :)

  3. A day at the spa sounds amazing!! I agree with Tiffany, a clean house makes me relaxed! Or throwing dinner in the crockpot so that I have the rest of the day to do whatever.

  4. I just had a massage and scheduled another one for a couple weeks's just a small thing I can do to treat myself and it's sooooo relaxing! Glad you had some spa time lady!

  5. That's amazing! Just dropped the hint to my boyfriend by showing him this picture. Every girl deserves some time at the spa!


  6. Haha, I love it! I almost fell asleep on the massage table last time I went to the spa!

  7. Besides the spa?? Yoga! I love it--and it makes you relax and slow down (plus get a little work out).
